House of the Dragon is a fantasy drama television series that serves as a prequel to the popular series Game of Thrones. Set in the fictional world of Westeros, the show chronicles the rise of House Targaryen, a powerful and influential family known for their dragons. The story takes place 300 years before the events of Game of Thrones, exploring the turbulent history of the Targaryens as they navigate through political intrigue, power struggles, and the ultimate quest for the Iron Throne. With a stellar cast, intricate storytelling, and breathtaking visuals, House of the Dragon captivates audiences with its epic tale of dragons, power, and destiny.
The full series of Game of Thrones is available on Max, and you can check out the tutorial below and download them to your computer in high quality.
Using this powerful downloader SameMovie, you can download any MP4 or MKV file from the huge HBO Max/Max library. With this user-friendly app, you can download House of the Dragon full season at once. Besides, you can easily download any available HBO Max/Max video in HD quality, and transfer these downloads to any other devices you want, including your tablet, phone, TV, game console, etc. SameMovie makes it simple to let you watch your favorite shows or movies on Max/HBO Max when there is no internet connection.
Official Website:
Top-rated app to download content from HBO Max and Max as local files.
Simply follow this tutorial to download House of the Dragon from Max.
After setting up SameMovie HBOMax Video Downloader on your Windows computer or Mac, open it and click "Sign in" to access your account.
Type "House of the Dragon" into the search bar to search for the series.
Go to the Setting window to change the output parameters, including the output format, subtitle mode, and output folder.
After selecting the series, you can choose which seasons and episodes you want to download. Then, go to the Advanced Download box and select a specific video's video quality, size, audio language, and subtitle language.
Click the Download button to start downloading the series to your computer. The MP4 or MKV formatted file will be stored, and it can be found in the output directory you previously selected.
After downloading, you can move these downloaded videos to any device for offline watching. SameMovie offers a free trial, and you can start downloading your favorite movie or series now!
Reading here to get more video downloading tips.