We Need Your Contribution

MoviFab is always looking for contributions from everyone. We welcome contributions from people with expertise in tech news, multimedia software development, review, testing, and other specialized fields.

Article Publication Criteria

  • This site aims to provide users with the most popular and satisfying software. It must match this basic concept.
  • Please be sure to post your own content. Copying or pasting from other articles is strictly prohibited.
  • When quoting text from books, etc., please follow the citation rules, enclose the relevant part in quotation marks, and be sure to specify the source.
  • You may not post for the purpose of publicity or advertising.
  • Expressions and content that make others feel uncomfortable are strictly prohibited.
  • Content that may violate the law cannot be posted.

Format Requirement

  • Put appropriate headings (major headings + subheadings) in appropriate positions.
  • Put the right image in the right position.
  • If possible, please put a thumbnail image (about 700 pixels on the long side) at the top of the article (immediately after the title).
  • Please provide the writer's profile and portrait image.

Whole Progress

  1. Write your article and prepare a Word file and a JPEG image file.
  2. Compress the files necessary for publishing into a ZIP file.
  3. Please send an email to support@movifab.com. Please attach the Word file to the email with the subject "Send Article to MoviFab".
  4. In the content of the email, please include details such as the name of the author (pseudonym is acceptable), the title of the article, the name of the recommended software, and the reason for applying.


  • We will only contact those whose article is qualified and will be posted in about a week.
  • If necessary, we may edit some of the titles and article content here. In that case, we will consult with you in advance.
  • Please note that MoviFab will not be held responsible for any trouble caused by posting.
  • Your name and profile will be listed at the end of the article.
  • Even after publishing, we will modify, add, and edit the content without prior notice based on search engine compatibility, current trends, and other editorial decisions. This should be a prerequisite that you understand and cooperate with the policies of this site.
  • We will not contact you when you are not hired or tell you the reason.

We look forward to receiving your application. Any questions or problems, please feel free to contact us.